Antineoplastic effects of icaritin: molecular mechanisms and applications

Announcing a new publication for Acta Materia Medica journal. Icaritin (ICA) is a prenylflavonoid natural product extracted from plants of the Epimedium genus. The approval of ICA softgel capsules as a class 1.2 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) innovative drug represents a major advancement offering a novel therapeutic approach for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Class 1.2 TCM innovative drugs generally denote extracts and formulations derived from single plants, animals, minerals, or other substances. ICA exhibits diverse pharmacological effects, encompassing anti-inflammatory, immune-regulatory, anti-oxidation, anti-osteoporosis, anti-depression, and notably anti-cancer properties.

This article presents a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer properties of ICA, and further highlights recent progress in use of ICA in cancer research, discusses present challenges, and examines potential opportunities for ICA application and further development.

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eISSN 2737-7946

Piao Luo, Hao Zhang and Guangqing Cheng et al. Antineoplastic effects of icaritin: molecular mechanisms and applications. Acta Materia Medica. 2025. Vol. 4(2):186-199. DOI: 10.15212/AMM-2024-0035